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  • Cat Care & Supplies
Health condition
    • Dogs

    Ear Cleaning Solution (60ml /2oz)

    Original price was: $27.38.Current price is: $22.98.
    Otifree Ear Cleaning Solution
    Discharges and deposits in the ear can provide important bodily protection for your cat or dog, helping to protect against bacteria and fungi, amongst other things. However, too much of these deposits can lead to ear infections, which are particularly unpleasant for your pet. This Otifree Ear Cleaning Solution can offer great relief for pets, particularly some dog breeds that are prone to ear infections. It can be used to regularly care for sensitive feline and canine ears. Otifree Ear Cleaning Solution is for both dogs and cats and can offer a solution for build-ups, deposits and secretions in the ear, thanks to its softening, moisturising properties. It combines propyplene glycol with calendula to have a gentle ear-cleaning effect. Calendula is particularly well-known for its healing, antiseptic and softening properties. Otifree Ear Cleaning Solution helps to moisten the upper layer of the skin, softening and improving future resilience. Otifree Ear Cleaning Solution is suitable for regular cleaning, once or twice per week, or for helping to treat Otitis externa, also known as β€œswimmer’s ear”.

    Cat Care & Supplies

    Cats are very clean animals, constantly take care of themselves, and also strive to keep their place clean. Wild cats usually transmit the instinct of cleanliness to kittens. When keeping a cat at home, a person must develop the habit of performing their toilet in one place. Raising a kitten begins with its birth, and by the age of 4-6 weeks, it develops certain reflexes.

    Cat food

    You can feed your cat professional or semi – professional food, but it is strictly forbidden to feed it food from your table. The fact is that not all human foods are suitable for the animal’s body. Quite another matter… small birds and rodents. In nature, the cat eats them every day. However, since we do not have a predator living in our house, but a completely civilized domestic cat, we will replace rodents and birds with meat, offal and cereals – it is from all this that a captured mouse or bird “consists”. Therefore, if you decide to cook food for a cat yourself, diversify its diet with porridge with boiled meat and vegetables, low – fat dairy products, eggs, boiled fish.

    If you do not have the time and opportunity to come up with something new for your pet’s menu every day, or the cat is not too willing to eat the dishes you have prepared, you can transfer it to ready-made food. However, I immediately want to say – do not skimp on the cost of such feeds. Cheap canned food has a”cheap” composition (waste and soy), so such food is unlikely to contribute to the cat’s health and longevity. In addition, expensive food is more satisfying, and the portion can be slightly reduced if you are worried about saving money.

    While the animal is a kitten, it should be fed 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours. Portions should not be too large, and it is better to remove food residues, so that in the next feeding you can offer the kitten fresh food. The older the kitten gets, the longer the intervals between feeding, the larger the portion sizes, and the lower the frequency of feeding. A teenage kitten no longer eats at night, and eats 3-4 times a day. When the cat is a year old, you can safely transfer it to 2-3 meals a day.