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    AnimAll Pet Odor Neutralizer, 500 ml

    AnimAll Pet Odor Neutralizer
    Eliminates unpleasant odors of pets, birds, rodents, their marks, and excrement. Means for combating unpleasant odor molecules. The innovative components included in the composition absorb unpleasant odor molecules in the air, thereby destroying the cause of the odor. The tool does not mask odors (suppresses one odor to another) and does not block human olfactory receptors, but fights against the very cause of the molecules of an unpleasant odor. The vast majority of drugs do not destroy the unpleasant odor, but suppress them more strongly or block the olfactory receptors in humans. There are no acids, acetone, alkalis, chlorine, alcohols, and other harmful volatile compounds. Temperature range from 0 ° С + 50 ° С.