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Showing the single result

  • Brovafarma

Brovatriom Dewormer for dogs sheep, goats 10-100 tablets

Brovatriom DewormerΒ  triclabendazoleβœ… albendazoleβœ… praziquantelβœ…
Anthelmintic of a wide spectrum of action against sexually mature and larval forms of cestodes Moniezia, Avitellina, Thysaniezia, trematodes of all stages of development Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, Dicrocoelium lanceatum, nematodes Dictyocaulus, Haemonchus, Ostertagostagia, Thostri- gosteum, Marshallodore, etc.


Triclabendazole is a benzimidazole anthelmintic. It is active against adult and larval forms of trematodes, including liver flukes and giant flukes. These flatworms enter humans and animals through contaminated water, aquatic plants or food. The diseases caused by these parasites are called fascioliasis. These are lesions of the liver and biliary tract, which can lead to hepatitis and, in the case of small ruminants, to death. Most triclabendazole preparations are for oral administration. However, in 2009, the first veterinary injectable product was introduced containing triclabendazole and ivermectin. It is effective against both trematodes and roundworms, as well as ectoparasites. Is included in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medicinal use of this drug in 2019. triclabendazole is used only in veterinary medicine.