All about Pets

Do I need to cut my cat?

Do I need to cut my cat

Nature provided the cat with everything you need – hunting skills, excellent eyesight and hearing, retractable claws, flexibility and unique grace, functional and beautiful wool. Cats are very clean animals, but can not maintain a neat and healthy coat, especially long – haired cats, on their own.


In order that the cat’s coat not deliver to it and various other disadvantages and to look good, the owner must periodically perform a series of hygiene procedures. If enough for the owners shorthairs your pet comb several times a week with a brush massage, then owners species long hair need to do this every day with various types of brushes. Bathing a pet with long hair and an inner layer developed also be organized more often than for short hair.

In addition, it is necessary to wash the hair using dry shampoo monthly or special spray, regular application of antistatic conditioners, lotions and balms health of wool. Otherwise, mats, which needs to be cut, and all kinds of skin diseases are formed.

When do I need to cut cats?

No need to cut a pet if there is an opportunity to organize good nutrition, vitamin support for animals and care all stages of their six. Cat grooming is needed in certain cases:

  • – the animal is difficult to tolerate heat due to the wool in bulk;
  • – the cat resists hygiene procedures will not be allowed to be bathed and combed;
  • – Skin diseases;
  • – the presence of mats;
  • – as one of the measures prolonged moulting caused for several reasons;
  • – pedestrian street animal wool adverse weather conditions;
  • – get the wool in the digestive tract, with consequences as vomiting and defecation problems;
  • – participation in exhibitions.

Lack of time to take care of animal hair and regular cleaning of the room, the presence of allergic reactions among family members of the owners or house guests, also among the reasons why the cat owners apply to animal groomers. The list price for haircuts dogs and cats includes decorative and haircuts from a purely hygienic orientation. There are restrictions on the choice of cat hair cuts – even for decorative purposes can not cut off the head, mustache, hair in the ears and the tip of the tail cats.

Effects of cats grooming

After shearing, the condition of the animal ‘s hair may change. The possible consequences of the procedure:

  • – change the structure of wool and skin elasticity of the animal;
  • – wool in the abdomen and back after cutting has a darker shade;
  • – deteriorating adaptation to temperature changes;
  • – Alopecia or all sorts of problems with fouling hair.

To teach cats hygiene procedures and haircut, preferably from childhood. Otherwise, any tampering with the animal ‘s fur can bring great stress for the pet. Do not cut the cat yourself, as it can harm the animal. A hairdresser with experience is able to find an approach to a scared client, so you do not need the use of muzzles, collars and other means to maintain strength for a pet.

Some cats may be cut only with the use of sedatives. Correctly designate the correct means can only be a veterinarian, start your reception should be a couple of days prior to the procedure. In some cases, a haircut can be done only with the use of immobilization of pharmacological medications or under anesthesia. Any anesthesia must be selected and controlled by a veterinarian. Anesthesia has many contraindications and can adversely affect the health of the pet.