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The puppy has watery eyes: what to do?

The puppy has watery eyes: what to do?

One of the most “vulnerable” in all plans of organs in the animal’s body is the eyes. Any of their pathologies is fraught with very serious problems, up to complete / partial blindness. Consider a situation when a puppy’s eyes watery: what to do in this case.

  1. 1 Main causes of lacrimation in puppies
  2. 2 Optimization of conditions of detention
  3. 3 Simple Eye Wash Products
  4. 4 Tearing of allergic origin
  5. 4.1 Change feed
  6. 4.2 Antiparasitic treatment.

The main causes of lacrimation in puppies

However, seeing the puppy’s tears, you do not need to panic right away. It is possible that this phenomenon is caused by completely natural, harmless reasons:

  •  The indoor or outdoor air is dusty. Strictly speaking, this reason is not particularly harmless, since the ingress of dust into the conjunctival cavity is fraught with inflammation.
  •  Severe emotional stress.
  •  Heat and dry air.
  •  In bulldogs and other representatives of brachycephalic breeds, eyes are watery constantly. This, in connection with the features of their anatomical development, is considered the norm…

But still more often watery eyes with a variety of diseases. In the case of puppies, this is especially important, since lacrimation is a common symptom of viral pathologies. And they are critically dangerous for kids.

Content optimization

Since a frequent cause of lacrimation is dryness and dustiness of the air, it is necessary to exclude the influence of these negative factors:

  •  If possible, use a humidifier when turning on central heating.
  •  The room must be regularly ventilated, avoiding, however, the appearance of drafts.
  •  In the room you need to regularly do wet cleaning, avoiding extreme dust. This is especially important in the spring when the air contains a lot of pollen from trees and flowers. This will protect the health of both pets and the owners themselves. In addition, wet cleaning is especially important in urban areas, when there is a lot of dust in the street air, regardless of the season.

Simple Eye Wash

With lacrimation of the eyes, it will not hurt to rinse them. Washing will remove contaminants and allergens from the conjunctival cavity (if any). At home, you can use the funds from the assortment of a regular first-aid kit. They are inexpensive and quite effective with timely use:

  •  Normal saline. Yes, it does not have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, but it perfectly flushes out contaminants from the conjunctival cavity. Before use, the solution is heated to 37 ° C.
  •  If there is no saline solution at hand, the use of distilled or boiled and settled water is permissible. It also needs to be heated.
  •  A solution of furatsilin. It is better to buy it in finished form at the pharmacy, warning the seller that it is required for washing the eyes (the concentration of furatsilin solutions for different purposes differs).
  •  Eyes can be washed with tea leaves (leafy, not from bags). This tool can be used no more than four times a day because increasing the frequency of treatments often causes dry eyes.
  •  A solution of chlorhexidine 0.05%. A drug in such a concentration is better to buy in a pharmacy; it is problematic to make it yourself. You can wash your eyes with a decoction of chamomile and oak (1: 1), up to three times a day. This composition has a good anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and healing effect.

Lacrimation of allergic origin

If the puppy’s eyes began to water suddenly and in the spring, or lacrimation appeared after the baby went outside, it makes sense to suspect an allergic reaction. Of course, it is better to consult a veterinarian right away, but if this is not possible, you can help your puppy yourself:

  •  Pets of small breeds are given ¼ tablets of diphenhydramine; larger puppies are allowed to give up to ½ tablets.
  •  In the same doses, Suprastin can be given. If within about one and a half hours from the moment the pill was delivered, there are no visible improvements, then lacrimation is probably not caused by allergies. Feeding a puppy with antihistamines is harmful and useless, you need to call a veterinarian.

If within about one and a half hours from the moment the pill was delivered, there are no visible improvements, then lacrimation is probably not caused by allergies. Feeding a puppy with antihistamines is harmful and useless, you need to call a veterinarian

Feed change

If the puppy’s eyes began to watery during accustoming to a new feed, or during the transition to adult food, we recommend immediately changing the diet. There is no need to immediately rush for special hypoallergenic food. It is enough to first change the brand or manufacturer. If this does not help, we recommend consulting your veterinarian nutritionist and allergist.

Antiparasitic treatment

It is very likely that chronic, sluggish allergic reactions are a consequence of the presence of parasites in the puppy’s body. They can manifest themselves not only in the form of lacrimation but also in a strange rash on the stomach and groin.
Again, we warn that sudden tearfulness can be a sign of dangerous viral pathologies, and therefore the puppy should be shown to the veterinarian anyway!

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