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        Gelmisun Dewormer for Horses 30ml

        Original price was: $21.95.Current price is: $16.38.
        Gelmisun Dewormer for Horses pyrantela pamoate + praziquantel
        Pyrantel pamoate is a pyrimidine derivative. It acts on round helminths (sexually mature and larvae of the 4th stage) as a depolarizing muscle relaxant, causing neuromuscular blockade, which leads to the death of nematodes. Praziquantel is a quinoline derivative. Increases the permeability of cell membranes for calcium ions in cestodes and trematodes, which leads to generalized muscle contraction, paralysis of helminths, and their death. It causes vacuolization and damage to the epithelium of parasites, as a result, they become sensitive to enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract.