Showing all 2 results

Showing all 2 results

Health condition
  • Varroatosis
  • Flumethrin

      Antivaro Π’eekeeping Varroa Mite Treatment honey bee mite treatment (50 strips)

      Original price was: $55.31.Current price is: $43.88.
      Antivaro Strips (Flumethrinum, flumethrin)
      The dose depends on the strength of the bee family. For layering and weak bee colonies - 1-2 strips. For normally developed and strong bee families - 2-4 strips. Keep tapes in the hive for 35 days, but not more than 6 weeks. For the diagnosis of varroatosis, it is necessary to put a white, greased sheet of paper at the bottom of the hive, hold the strips for 24 hours and thus reveal the diagnostic result.

      Antivaro Varroa Mite Treatment honey bee mite treatment (20 strips)

      Original price was: $27.38.Current price is: $20.78.
      Antivaro Strips (Flumethrinum, flumethrin)
      The dose depends on the strength of the bee family. For layering and weak bee colonies - 1-2 strips. For normally developed and strong bee families - 2-4 strips. Keep tapes in the hive for 35 days, but not more than 6 weeks. For the diagnosis of varroatosis, it is necessary to put a white, greased sheet of paper at the bottom of the hive, hold the strips for 24 hours and thus reveal the diagnostic result.