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Showing all 8 results


    Gelmisun Dewormer for Horses 30ml

    Original price was: $21.95.Current price is: $16.38.
    Gelmisun Dewormer for Horses pyrantela pamoate + praziquantel
    Pyrantel pamoate is a pyrimidine derivative. It acts on round helminths (sexually mature and larvae of the 4th stage) as a depolarizing muscle relaxant, causing neuromuscular blockade, which leads to the death of nematodes. Praziquantel is a quinoline derivative. Increases the permeability of cell membranes for calcium ions in cestodes and trematodes, which leads to generalized muscle contraction, paralysis of helminths, and their death. It causes vacuolization and damage to the epithelium of parasites, as a result, they become sensitive to enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Intermect Duo Paste for Horses – 7,74g

    Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $47.18.

    Intermectin duo paste 7.74 g

    Ivermectin & Praziquantel paste


    Disposable polypropylene applicator (syringe). Each syringe contains 7.74 g of a paste containing 120 mg of ivermectin (15.5 mg / g) and 600 mg of praziquantel (77.5 mg / g).


    Intended for the treatment of mixed cestode-nematode and arthropod invasions in horses, namely:
    • adult tapeworms: Anoplocephala perfoliate.
    • large strongylids: Strongylus vulgaris (adults and larvae in the arterial stage), S. edentatus (adults and larvae in the tissue stage), S. equinus (adults), Triodontophorus spp. (adults) and Craterostomum acuticaudatum (adults).
    • adults and immature larvae (intraluminal larvae of the fourth stage) of small strongylids or cyatostom, including strains resistant to benzimidazoles: Coronocyclus, Cyathostomum, Cylicocyclus, Cylicodontophorus, Cylicostephanus, Parapoteriostomom.
    • adult hairy individuals: Trichostrongylus axei.
    • adults and immature larvae (larvae of the fourth stage) pinworms: Oxyuris equi.
    • adults, larvae of the third and fourth stages of nematodes (roundworm): Parascaris equorum.
    • microfilariae of cervical nematodes: Onchocerca spp.
    • adult intestinal nematels: Strongyloides westeri.
    • gastric worms: Habronema muscae.
    • oral and gastric stages of larvae of the gnat: Gasterophilus.
    • adults and underdeveloped larvae (inhibited larvae of the fourth stage) dictyocaudus: Dictyocaulus arnfieldi.

    Equiv Paste for Horses – 7g

    Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $47.18.

    Equiverm paste 7 g - Intermectin Duo Paste Analog

    Ivermectin & Praziquantel paste

    Equiverm paste, syringe 7 ml Olive green homogeneous paste. The composition of 1 ml of the drug contains active substances: ivermectin - 20 mg, praziquantel - 100 mg. Excipients: butylhydroxyanisole, sucralose, cinnamon essential oil, colloidal silica, liquid chlorophyll pigment, dimethicone.

    Brovnol-C GEL syringe Dewormer for Dogs and Cats 15 g

    Original price was: $26.39.Current price is: $21.88.
    Brovnol-C syringe (praziquantel, pyrantel) Dewormer for Dogs and Cats, 15 g Storage 1 g of the drug contains: praziquantel —

    WORMIK Deworming paste for dogs, cats and rabbits 14g (0.49oz)

    Vormikill Fenbendazole+Praziquantel
    Deworming of adult dogs, puppies, cats and kittens as well as ornamental rabbits and guinea pigs with cestodoses (Dipylidium caninum, Echinococcus spp., Taenia spp., Mesocestoides spp.) And nematodoses (Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Toxocaria lexariacin Ancylostoma caninum, Hydatigera taeniaeformis).  

    Cani paste Dewormer For Cats and Dogs 4 ml

    Original price was: $25.96.Current price is: $22.99.
    Caniverm paste (fenbendazole, pyrantel, praziquantel) Dewormer For Cats and Dogs, 4 ml Description: Homogeneous oral paste. Composition: 1 ml of

    Cani paste Dewormer For Cats and Dogs 10 ml

    Original price was: $69.41.Current price is: $49.17.
    Caniverm paste (fenbendazole, pyrantel, praziquantel) Dewormer For Cats and Dogs, 10 ml Description: Homogeneous oral paste. Composition: 1 ml of

    Praziquantel (Praziquantelum)

    Praziquantel anthelmintic dewormer.
    Praziquantel induces rapid muscle contracture in schistosomes through a specific effect on the permeability of the cell membrane. In addition, it induces vacuolization and disintegration of the schistosomal tegument. After oral administration, praziquantel is rapidly absorbed (80%), undergoes the effect of the first pass through the liver, metabolized and excreted by the kidneys. Cmax in serum is reached within 1-3 hours after administration.